A# | Alexander (Raid Number) | Refers to the Level 60 Alexander Raids, with the number representing the specific raid fight.
Sometimes followed by an S to indicate Savage difficulty, or N for Normal difficulty. Ranges from A1 to A12S. |
ACN | Arcanist | A magic DPS class. The base class of Summoner and Scholar. |
Adds | Additional Enemies | Extra side enemies that spawn during a boss fight. |
AFK | Away From Keyboard | When a player is not actively playing and steps away from the game. |
Aggro | Aggressive | Usually refers to an enemy that's attacking a player. Sometimes referred to as Enmity, Hate, or Threat. |
ALC | Alchemist | A crafting class specialized in making potions. |
Alt | Alternate Character | If a player plays extra characters, they're referred to as Alts. A primary character is typically referred to as a Main. |
AoE | Area of Effect | Abilities that effect multiple enemies or players in a surrounding area. |
ARC | Archer | A ranged DPS class. The base class of Bard. |
ARM | Armorer | A crafting class specialized in making armor. |
ARR | A Realm Reborn | The base game of Final Fantasy XIV. Named ARR after the original 1.0 version of the game was completely remade. |
AST | Astrologian | A healing class. One of the more flashy classes. |
AV | Aurum Vale | A Level 47 dungeon that's notorious for being difficult for newbies. Often run during certain events. |
BA | Baldesion Arsenal | A level 70 open dungeon located in Eureka. |
BCoB | Binding Coil of Bahamut | The Level 50 Bahamut Raids. Also referred to by Coils, or just Turns (T). |
BiS | Best in Slot | The best possible equipment you can wear in a gear slot. |
BLM | Black Mage | A magic DPS class. The job advancement of Thaumaturge. |
BLU | Blue Mage | A magic DPS class. A special "Limited Job". |
BRD | Bard | A ranged DPS class. The job advancement of Archer. |
BSM | Blacksmith | A crafting class specialized in crafting weapons and tools. |
BTN | Botanist | A gathering class that uses axes and scythes. |
CD | Cooldown | Refers to abilities that are temporarily unavailable until the recast timer ends. |
CNJ | Conjurer | A healing class. The base class of White Mage. |
Crit | Critical Hit | An Offensive character stat. Increases damage and healing. |
CRP | Carpenter | A crafting class specializing in woodworking. |
CS | Cutscene | When a player is viewing a story or event scene, unable to act. |
CT | Crystal Tower | Refers to the Level 50 Alliance Raids. |
CUL | Culinarian | A crafting class specializing in cooking foods. |
CWLS | Cross World Linkshell | A group chat allowing up to 64 members from the same Data Center. Allows communication across worlds. |
DC | Data Center | Data Centers are the group of servers that you play on.
D/C can mean Disconnect - When a player loses connection to the game. |
DD | Damage Dealer | A class or job that focuses on dealing damage. Typically called DPS, however. |
DEF | Defense | A Defensive character stat. Reduces damage taken from physical attacks. M.Def is Magic Defense. |
DET | Determination | An Offensive character stat. Increases damage and healing. |
DEX | Dexterity | A main attribute stat for characters. Increases ranged and ninja damage. |
DF | Duty Finder | A system used to automatically match players for duties and instances. |
DH | Direct Hit | An Offensive character stat. Increases the chance of dealing slightly more damage. |
DNC | Dancer | A ranged DPS class. Unable to play in the Free Trial. |
DoH | Disciples of Hand | This refers to all of the crafting classes. |
DoL | Disciples of Land | This refers to all of the gathering classes. |
DoM | Disciples of Magic | This refers to all magic DPS and healing classes. |
DoT | Damage over Time | Abilities that can apply damaging effects over a certain amount of time. |
DoW | Disciples of War | This refers to all physical and ranged DPS, and tank classes. |
DPS | Damage Per Second | How much damage you're doing in a second, on average.
Also refers to any class that's main focus is dealing damage. |
DRG | Dragoon | A melee DPS class. The job advancement of Lancer. |
DRK | Dark Knight | A tank class that's edgy and uses big swords. |
DT | Dawntrail | The fifth expansion of Final Fantasy XIV. |
ET | Eorzean Time | The time used in the game world. Every 20 minutes in-game is about about 1 minute IRL. |
EW | Endwalker | The fourth expansion for Final Fantasy XIV. |
EX | Extremes | A difficulty level for trials, a step above Hard Mode. |
EXP | Experience | Gaining enough experience will level up your character. |
FATE | Full Active Time Event | These are small events found in the overworld. GATEs are the Gold Saucer equivalent. |
FC | Free Company | These are the guilds of FFXIV. Unavailable in the Free Trial. |
FFXIV | Final Fantasy 14 | You know, the game you're playing. The "14th" game in the main series. |
FPS | Frames Per Second | Your frame rate. More means smoother gameplay. |
FSH | Fisher | A gathering class that catches fish. |
FT | Free Trial | Any player who hasn't bought the game yet. |
GC | Grand Company | The 3 groups you join during the Level 20 MSQ. (Immortal Flames, Maelstrom, and Twin Adder) |
GCD | Global Cooldown | Cooldowns that are shared by multiple abilities. |
GG | Good Game | What you'll hear at the end of every dungeon. |
GLA | Gladiator | A tank class. The base class of Paladin. |
GNB | Gunbreaker | A tank class that uses gunblades. Not available in the Free Trial. |
GSM | Goldsmith | A crafting class specialized in crafting jewelry and metals. |
HM | Hard Mode | A difficulty level for dungeons and trials. |
HoH | Heaven-on-High | A unique "Deep Dungeon" with 100 floors, featuring it's own level system. |
HoT | Heal over Time | Abilities that can apply healing effects over a certain amount of time. |
HP | Health Points | It's your life bar. Don't let your HP drop to zero! |
HQ | High Quality | A crafted item that's higher quality than normal. Provides higher stats. |
HW | Heavensward | The first expansion of Final Fantasy XIV. |
IGN | In Game Name | The name of your character. Sometimes asked in places outside of the game, like Discord. |
IL | Item Level | The level of your equipment. This is different than the level required to wear it. |
INT | Intelligence | A main attribute stat for characters. Increases damage for magic DPS. |
IRL | In Real Life | The scary place outside of the game. |
LB | Limit Break | A powerful attack that requires the Limit Break meter to be filled. (Please use it DPS!) |
LF | Looking For | Used when searching for things or people.
Variations include LFG, LFM and LFP - Looking For Group, Looking For More, and Looking For Party. |
LNC | Lancer | A melee DPS class. The base class of Dragoon. |
LoVM | Lord of Verminion | A minigame involving minions, played at the Gold Saucer. |
LS | Linkshell | A group chat allowing up to 128 members from the same server. |
LTW | Leatherworker | A crafting class specializing in hides and leather. |
MB | Market Board | Subbed players can buy and sell items here. |
MCH | Machinist | A ranged DPS class that uses guns and machinery. |
MGP | Manderville Gold Saucer Points | The currency used in the Gold Saucer, the casino of the game. |
MIN | Miner | A gathering class that uses pickaxes and hammers. |
MINE | Minimum Item Level, No Echo | A special difficulty setting that you can apply to duties. Used purely for the challenge. |
MMORPG | Massively Multiplayer Online
Role Playing Game | The genre of Final Fantasy 14. |
MND | Mind | A main attribute stat for characters. Increases damage and healing for healing classes. |
MNK | Monk | A melee DPS class. The job advancement of Pugilist. |
Mob | Monster | Basically any enemy other than a boss. |
MP | Magic Points | The blue bar that allows you to use skills and abilities. These are switched to CP and GP, for crafters and gatherers. |
MRD | Marauder | A tank class. The base class of Warrior. |
MSQ | Main Scenario Quests | The primary story quests. |
MT | Main Tank | Used for when a party has more than one tank.
(Can also be mistype or mistell, for when a message is sent mistakenly.) |
NIN | Ninja | A melee DPS class. The job advancement of Rogue. |
NM | Notorious Monster | Notorious Monsters are enemies that can be found in Eureka. |
NN | Novice Network | A chat for helping new players. Often just gets used as a global chat, however. |
NPC | Non-Player Character | An in-game character that isn't controlled by a player. |
NQ | Normal Quality | A basic item that has lower stats than High Quality crafted items. |
o/ | Hello | A waving emoticon used to welcome other people. |
O# | Omega (Raid Number) | Refers to the Level 70 Omega Raids, with the number representing the specific raid fight.
Sometimes followed by an S to indicate Savage difficulty, or N for Normal difficulty. Ranges from O1 to O12S. |
oGCD | Off Global Cooldown | Abilities that do not share cooldowns with other abilities or skills. |
OT | Off Tank | The opposite of Main Tank. In a party with multiple tanks, the Off Tank focuses on damage. |
PC | Player Character | A character that is controlled by a real player.
May also refer to a Personal Computer, used to play FFXIV on. |
PCT | Pictomancer | A magic DPS class. Unable to play in the Free Trial. |
PF | Party Finder | Used to recruit party members for content. Free Trial can only join listings. |
PGL | Pugilist | A melee DPS class. The base class of Monk. |
PIE | Piety | A healer only stat. Increases MP regeneration. |
PLD | Paladin | A tank class. The job advancement of Gladiator. |
Pot | Potion | May be mentioned in raids, stat boosting potions can be useful for burst damage.
Can also mean Potency, meaning how powerful a skill is. |
PotD | Palace of the Dead | A unique "Deep Dungeon" with 200 floors, featuring it's own level system. |
Prae | The Praetorium | A story dungeon at the end of the base game, ARR. Often run for poetics and events. |
PT | Party
Pull Time | Usually refers to a player's party, or group.
Can also mean pull time, which you might hear when doing hunts. |
PUG | Pick Up Group | A group of players that joined a party without previously knowing each other. |
PvE | Player vs. Environment | Any content involving combat against non-player controlled enemies. |
PvP | Player vs. Player | Competitive activities that involve playing against other players. Most PvP is unavailable to Free Trial players. |
RDM | Red Mage | A magic DPS class that uses both a rapier and magic together. |
RNG | Random Number Generator | A hidden number generator that randomly determines what happens in game, in certain instances. It's like rolling a dice. |
ROG | Rogue | A melee DPS class. The base class of Ninja. |
RPR | Reaper | A melee DPS class. Unable to play in the Free Trial. |
SAM | Samurai | A melee DPS class that uses a katana. |
SB | Stormblood | The second expansion of Final Fantasy XIV. Sometimes written as StB. |
SCH | Scholar | A healing class. The job advancement of Arcanist. |
SE | Square Enix | The company that made Final Fantasy XIV! |
SGE | Sage | A healing class. Unable to play in the Free Trial. |
ShB | Shadowbringers | The third expansion of Final Fantasy XIV. |
SkS | Skill Speed | A Physical character stat. Increases cast speed and shortens recast times. |
SMN | Summoner | A magic DPS class. The job advancement of Arcanist. |
Sprout | Newbie | New players are often called Sprouts, due to the sprout sapling that appears next to their name. |
SpS | Spell Speed | A Magical character stat. Increases cast speed and shortens recast times. |
SS | Screenshot | To digitally take a picture of your screen. |
STR | Strength | A main attribute stat for characters. Increases physical damage, doesn't effect Ranged DPS or Ninja. |
Sub | Subscription | After players buy the game they have to pay a monthly subscription to play. They are sometimes called Subbed players. |
T# | Turn Number | Refers to the Level 50 Bahamut Raids. Each fight is called a Turn, with the number representing the specific instance. These range from T1 to T13. |
TEN | Tenacity | A tank only stat. Increases damage dealt, reduces damage taken and increases HP restoration. |
THM | Thaumaturge | A magic DPS class. The base class of Black Mage. |
ToF | Trials of Fantasy | The name of this website and our lovely Discord Community! ♥ |
TP | Teleport | The act of warping to another location. A useful tool for getting around. |
TT | Triple Triad | The card game of Final Fantasy 14. |
UCoB | Unending Coil of Bahamut | Refers to the Level 70 raid, Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate). Locked for Free Trial players. |
UV | Ultravibration | A very useful Blue Mage spell. |
UWU | Ultima Weapon (Ultimate) | Refers to the Level 70 raid, Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate). Locked for Free Trial players.
It can also be an emoticon depicting a cute little face. UwU |
VIT | Vitality | A main attribute stat for characters. Increases maximum HP. |
VPR | Viper | A melee DPS class. Unable to play in the Free Trial. |
WAR | Warrior | A tank class. The job advancement of Marauder. |
WHM | White Mage | A healing class. The job advancement of Conjurer. |
WoL | Warrior of Light | The player character, a story element. |
WT | Wondrous Tails | A weekly activity unlocked in Idyllshire at Level 60. |
WVR | Weaver | A crafting class specializing in cloths and fabrics. |