…A Requiem For Heroes Swan Song Quests
…Allthoughts The Midas Touch Quests
…Bearer of the Torch My Left Arm Quests
…Blackblood A Dark Day's Knight II Quests
…Builder of the Realm Mastering the Hand I Character
…Captain of the Hunt Bring Your S Game III Battle
…Carrier of the Cauldron Materia Hysteria Items
…Defender of Eorzea Eorzea Defended Quests
…Domitrix ♀
…Domitor ♂ Scent of a Woman Battle
…Dreadspawn Soul Summoner II Quests
…Fashion Leader You Look Marvelous III Character
…Finder of False Gods The War Still Wageth On Quests
…Green Eyes Green Eyes Items
…Halone's Cup Bearer How Can I Help V PvP
…Hero of Gelmorra In Too Deep VI Battle
…House Fortemps Knight So It Goes Quests
…Imperial Nuisance The Faith that Drives Us Quests
…Kageyama Killer West Meets East Quests
…Kyubi Tamer Flute of the Plume Items
…Lady of the Fetch ♀
…Lord of the Fetch ♂ Live to Serve Quests
…Lady of Verminion ♀
…Lord of Verminion ♂ A Load of Verminion IV Character
…Lightbringer Some Kinna Wonderful Items
…Loved by the Axe I Am the Warrior III Quests
…Mask of the Blue Smokin' VI Battle
…Muso SAM I Am II Quests
…Of Dragons Deep Imagine Dragon Quests
…Of the 14th Chakra Bulletproof II Quests
…Of the Blue Divinity: Original Kojin Quests
…Of the Eastern Skies The Stars in Our Faults III Quests
…Of the Endless Hunt Bring Your A Game VI Battle
…Of the Golden Anvil Working the Bellows: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Golden Hammer Pounding Out the Dents: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Golden Hide Hiding in Plain Sight: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Golden Ladle Savoring the Realm: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Golden Lead Mixing It Up: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Golden Leaf Cutting the Carats: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Golden Needle Threading the Needle: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Golden Saw Going with the Grain: Artisan Crafting & Gathering
…Of the Holy Body Back to School III Quests
…Of the Longest Hunt Bring Your A Game VI Battle
…Of the Silver Fuller You Say You Want a Revolution Quests
…Of the Silver Lining Out of the Dark Quests
…Of the Sixth Sense The Trouble With Buried II Battle
…Of the Stalwart Axe A Tankless Job II (Warrior) Battle
…Of the Stalwart Shield A Tankless Job II (Paladin) Battle
…Of the Stalwart Sword A Tankless Job II (Dark Knight) Battle
…Of the Swirling Abyss A Dark Day's Knight III Quests
…Of the True Autumn A Bard's Tale III Quests
…Of the Truest Blue Violets Are Violet Battle
…Of the Twinned Star Found the Flame Quests
…Of the Vengeful Lance Have a Gae Old Time Items
…Of Unbreakable Oath Tank You, Paladin V Battle
…Of Unbreakable Principle Tank You, Dark Knight V Battle
…Of Unbreakable Steel Tank You, Warrior V Battle
…Of Untarnished Oath Tank You, Paladin VI Battle
…Of Untarnished Principle Tank You, Dark Knight VI Battle
…Of Untarnished Steel Tank You, Warrior VI Battle
…Of Unyielding Oath Tank You, Paladin IV Battle
…Of Unyielding Principle Tank you, Dark Knight IV Battle
…Of Unyielding Steel Tank You, Warrior IV Battle
…Philanthropist Bio-Doma V Character
…Princess of Verminion ♀
…Prince of Verminion ♂ A Load of Verminion III Character
…Provider of the Realm Mastering the Land I Character
…Raiser of Mountains Mountains Out of Gil-hills Character
…Rhalgr's Right Fist Mama Said Knock You Out V PvP
…Seeker of Blood Tales of War Quests
…Seeker of Bounty Tales of The Land Quests
…Seeker of Skill Tales of The Hand Quests
…Seeker of Truth Tales of Magic Quests
…Skysinger A Bard's Tale II Quests
…Surrenderer of Souls No Retreat, No Surrender Quests
…Survivor of the Song Incidentally Speaking Quests
…Tamer of Steeds Ichiban Items
…Tamer of the Undying Flame Just like Fire Items
…Temptress of Fate ♀
…Tempter of Fate ♂ Date With Destiny IV Battle
…The Alpha Wolf Leader of the Pack PvP
…The Ambitious Angler I Like Big Fish and I Cannot Lie Quests
…The Assimilator Living in a Materia World Items
…The Avatar Obtanium Battle
…The Azure and Omega Omega Blue Battle
…The Azure Dragoon Dragoon Age II Quests
…The Battleforged One Steppe at a Time VI PvP
…The Blood Dragoon Dragoon Age III Quests
…The Chief Mourner I'll Sleep When I'm Dead Quests
…The Darkest Shadow Against the Ninja II Quests
…The Devourer Breaking Fast With Champions PvP
…The Devout Raider of the Shifting Altars IV Battle
…The Dragonsong Floor the Horde Quests
…The Exterminator To Crush Your Enemies VI Battle
…The Final Witness Uncoiled Quests
…The Finest Pupil's Ally School's Out Forever Quests
…The First Across Winningest Jockey Character
…The First Caller Soul Summoner III Quests
…The Fistful Bulletproof III Quests
…The Flamesworn In Good Company: Immortal Flames III Grand Company
…The Fortunate Date With Destiny VI Battle
…The Fungah WTFungah III Character
…The Gear of Change First Gear Quests
…The Godsbow Hard to Miss Items
…The Hand of Mercy Slaughterhouse Five PvP
…The Heart of the Party Leaving A Good Impression I Character
…The Howler I'm a Machinist, Not a Man III Quests
…The Insatiable Armed to the Teeth Items
…The Knight of Glory In a Blaze of Glory VI PvP
…The Last Resort Serving A Greater Cause VI Quests
…The Liberator The Measure of His Reach Quests
…The Light in Hand Tool Time for the Hand Items
…The Light of the Land Tool Time for the Land Items
…The Luckiest of Ladies ♀
…The Luckiest of Lords ♂ The Deeper End IV Battle
…The Lucky For the Hoard III Battle
…The Meat Axe A Tankless Job I (Warrior) Battle
…The Meat Shield A Tankless Job I (Paladin) Battle
…The Mythril Heart I Am the Warrior II Quests
…The Necromancer Pal-less Palace III Battle
…The Negotiator Sore Thumb Quests
…The Nest's Own Botanist The Height of Botany Crafting & Gathering
…The Nest's Own Fisher The Height of Angling Crafting & Gathering
…The Nest's Own Miner The Height of Mining Crafting & Gathering
…The New Sun Solar Cycle Quests
…The Newmind Vathcore Quests
…The Noumenon Anima Crossing Quests
…The Oathkeeper Like a Knight in Shining Armor II Quests
…The Postwoman ♀
…The Postman ♂ The Postmoogle Always Rings Twice Quests
…The Professional Career Opportunities Quests
…The Ravenous Wolf Wolfing It Down PvP
…The Reaper In The Outfield VI Quests
…The Red Red on Arrival II Quests
…The Redeemed Gaol Break Quests
…The Returned Catch Me if You Can Quests
…The Risensung Botanist An Ode to Botany Crafting & Gathering
…The Risensung Miner An Ode to Mining Crafting & Gathering
…The Serpentsworn In Good Company: Twin Adder III Grand Company
…The Shadow Yoshimitsu's Island Items
…The Soboro Good Night, Sweet Hildy Quests
…The Stormsworn In Good Company: Maelstrom III Grand Company
…The Strategist The Reader Items
…The Trinity Always Bet On Me Character
…The True Raising the Curtana Items
…The Undamaged A Sawbones to Remember PvP
…The Unleashed A Spellcaster to Remember PvP
…The Unmoving A Stalwart to Remember PvP
…The Unrelenting A Slayer to Remember PvP
…The Unseen A Sniper to Remember PvP
…The Unsevered Missed the Cut Battle
…The White Dressed to Heal Items
…The Wings of Time Back in Time Quests
…Under the Moonlight Lunar Cycle Quests
…Wings of Fire Die Another Day V PvP
…Wings of Steel Roll the Dice V PvP
…Z The Letter Z Items
789th Order Champion… Kobold as Brass Quests
Adversary… Put Your Wings Up Quests
Altar Girl… ♀
Altar Boy… ♂ Raider of the Shifting Altars I Battle
Amasser of Masterpieces… I Collected That III Items
Annihilator… Back in Black II Quests
Archmage… Master Magic I Character
Balloon Catcher… What Did Balloons Do to You? Crafting & Gathering
Bearer of the Coffer… Unhide and Seek Battle
Blue Blood… The More You Know IV Character
Blue Justice… Masked Conqueror Battle
Blue Luminary… Jack of All Trades III Battle
Blue Ranger… Jack of All Trades IV Battle
Blue to the Bone… The More You Know VII Character
Bounty Hunter… Bring Your B Game III Battle
Bug Girl… ♀
Bug Boy… ♂ Off to the Races I Character
Business Associate… I Traded That III Items
Calamatologist… Give Me Five
• Event: The Rising (2018) Seasonal Events
Canal Dweller… Raider of the Lost Canals IV Battle
Canal Lady… ♀
Canal Lord… ♂ The Deep End IV Battle
Canal Raider… Raider of the Lost Canals I Battle
Carrier of the Kettle… A Watched Pot Quests
Cavalier… Pimp Your Ride Grand Company
Champion of the Blue… None More Blue Battle
Chocobo Breeder… Go Forth and Multiply Character
Chocobo Trainer… Training Day Character
Coeurlfist… Enter the Coeurl Items
Confederate… Unexplained Quests
Corpse Dancer… Dead Tired Quests
Crimson Explorer… Oh, the Sights We'll See II Exploration
Cupid… Love Actually
• Event: Valentione's Day (2015) Seasonal Events
Dark Driver… A Tankless Job I (Dark Knight) Battle
Deadliest Catcher… What Did Crabs Do to You? Crafting & Gathering
Deck Hoarder… Triple-decker III Character
Deck Holder… Triple-decker II Character
Deep Canal Dweller… Raider of the Hidden Canals IV Battle
Deep Canal Raider… Raider of the Hidden Canals I Battle
Deltascape Deleter… Delta Force Quests
Desertbreaker… A Miner's Life for Me: Thanalan Crafting & Gathering
Desertcaster… A Fisher's Life for Me: Thanalan Crafting & Gathering
Desertreaper… A Botanist's Life for Me: Thanalan Crafting & Gathering
Divine Provider… Landking of the World Crafting & Gathering
Droner Sniper… Prime Air IV PvP
Duelist… Bracket Breaker Character
Dungeon Master… Dungeon Siege IV Battle
Ehcatl Blackguard… That's Ixal, Folks Quests
Eorzean Ninja Warrior… Tonight, the Stars Align
• Event: Moonfire Faire (2018) Seasonal Events
Eorzean Ninja… Against the Ninja III Quests
Eurekan Explorer… Making the Most of Hydatos Exploration
Fatewalker… Five Minutes of Fate Quests
Featherfall's Finest Botanist… Botanists of a Feather Crafting & Gathering
Featherfall's Finest Miner… Miners of a Feather Crafting & Gathering
Flame Chaser… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames VI PvP
Flame Forerunner… A Line in the Sand V PvP
Flame Growler… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames III PvP
Flame Hound… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames IV PvP
Flame Howler… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames II PvP
Flame Puppy… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames I PvP
Flame Stalker… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames V PvP
Flamebringer… To Each According to His Need: Immortal Flames III Grand Company
Flamecarrier… Fanning the Flames III Grand Company
Flamelady… ♀
Flamelord… ♂ Burning a Hole in My Pocket III Grand Company
Forestbreaker… A Miner's Life for Me: Black Shroud Crafting & Gathering
Forestcaster… A Fisher's Life for Me: Black Shroud Crafting & Gathering
Forestreaper… A Botanist's Life for Me: Black Shroud Crafting & Gathering
Fortune's Favored Kupo… Let Luck Be a Moogle III Crafting & Gathering
Frontline Forerunner… Walk the Line V PvP
Gambler… What Happens in the Saucer I Character
Gatekeeper… ♀
Keymaster… ♂ Enemy at the GATE III Character
Gembreaker… Back in Black III Quests
Gentlewoman… ♀
Gentleman… ♂ I'll Be There For You Quests
Gigi's Best Friend… That Is What You Are Quests
Goddess of Magic… ♀
God of Magic… ♂ Mastering Magic III Character
Goddess of the Hand… ♀
God of the Hand… ♂ Mastering the Hand III Character
Goddess of the Land… ♀
God of the Land… ♂ Mastering the Land III Character
Goddess of War… ♀
God of War… ♂ Mastering War III Character
Golemancer… Welcome to the Dollhouse
• Event: Little Ladies' Day (2015) Seasonal Events
Good Samaritan… The Kindness of Strangers V Battle
Grandmaster Caster… Go Big or Go Home XVI Crafting & Gathering
Grandmaster of Magic… Master Magic II Character
Grandmaster of the Hand… Mastering the Land II Character
Grandmaster of the Land… Mastering War II Character
Grandmaster of War… Mastering the Hand II Character
Half-boiled Heroine… ♀
Half-boiled Hero… ♂ Eggspialidocious
• Event: Hatching-tide (2015) Seasonal Events
Hatchet of the Firmament… Skyward Scythe III Crafting & Gathering
Heavenly Gate Crasher… She's So High V Battle
Heliodrome Hero… Just Say Node IV PvP
High Roller… How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Saucer Character
Hiruko Hunter… She's So High III Battle
Hoarder… For The Hoard V Battle
Honest Gillionaire… Who Wants to Be a Gillionaire? Items
Hungry Wolf… A Clean Plate PvP
Hunter for Hire… On Your Mark: B Battle
Icebreaker… Dream of Ice Quests
Ijin Traveler… Destination Unknown Quests
Illuminati Quencher… Awake the Metal Quests
Invoker of Gods… The Deepest End IV Battle
Ironeater… Cleaving to Tradition Items
Jellyfish Fanatic… What Did Jellyfish Do to You? Crafting & Gathering
Keeper of Knowledge… Hounding the Rock IV PvP
Keeper of the Lilacs… Flying Colors III Quests
Khloe's Best Friend… And Khloe Was Her Name-o VII Character
Khloe's Friend… And Khloe Was Her Name-o II Character
Kindred Sword… Right on the Money III Character
Kingsglaive… Brother from Another Mothercrystal
Kingsglaive... - Brother from Another Mothercrystal
• Event: Final Fantasy XV collab (2021) Seasonal Events
Kurenai's Best Friend… Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai V Character
Kurenai's Partner… The Customer Is Always Right: Kurenai VI Items
Lady Creator… ♀
Lord Creator… ♂ Think Global, Quest Local VI Quests
Lady Protector… ♀
Lord Protector… ♂ All the More Region to Leve VI Quests
Liberator… I'm a Machinist, Not a Man II Quests
Lighter than Air… Walking on Sunshine Quests
Little Piggy… Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh V Character
Lone Hero… Heaven Is a Lonely Place II Battle
Lonely Explorer… Pal-less Palace II Battle
Lyse's Right Fist… Cheek to Cheek Quests
Mahjong Enthusiast… Tile and Error II Character
Mahjong Master… Tile and Error III Character
Mammeteer… Follow the Leader I Items
Manta Maniac… What Did Mantas Do to You? Crafting & Gathering
Masked of the Round… Mightier than the Round Battle
Master Alchemist… An Eye for Detail: Alchemist V Crafting & Gathering
Master Armorer… An Eye for Detail: Armorer V Crafting & Gathering
Master Blacksmith… An Eye for Detail: Blacksmith V Crafting & Gathering
Master Botanist… An Eye for Quality: Botanist IV Crafting & Gathering
Master Carpenter… An Eye for Detail: Carpenter V Crafting & Gathering
Master Caster… Go Big or Go Home IX Crafting & Gathering
Master Culinarian… An Eye for Detail: Culinarian V Crafting & Gathering
Master Fisher… The One That Didn't Get Away IV Crafting & Gathering
Master Goldsmith… An Eye for Detail: Goldsmith V Crafting & Gathering
Master Leatherworker… An Eye for Detail: Leatherworker V Crafting & Gathering
Master Miner… An Eye for Quality: Miner IV Crafting & Gathering
Master of the Sea… No More Fish in the Sea IV Crafting & Gathering
Master Weaver… An Eye for Detail: Weaver V Crafting & Gathering
Matchmaker… MeetMog
• Event: The Make It Rain Campaign (2018) Seasonal Events
Meadowbreaker… A Miner's Life for Me: La Noscea Crafting & Gathering
Meadowcaster… A Fisher's Life for Me: La Noscea Crafting & Gathering
Meadowreaper… A Botanist's Life for Me: La Noscea Crafting & Gathering
Melusine Mauler… Seconds Battle
Minion Collector… Despicable You I Quests
Minion Master… Despicable You II Items
Molder of Masterpieces… I Made That (Worth Collecting) III Items
Moneybags… Work Smarter, Not Harder Character
Monster Hunter… The New King on the Block Quests
Moonlifter… Hey Now, You're an All-Star Quests
Mortal Fist… Mama Said Knock You Out II PvP
Myth Breaker… The King and Die Battle
Naago's Friend… Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago V Character
Naago's Partner… The Customer Is Always Right: M'naago VI Items
Nidhogg Slayer… Orthodox Mayhem Quests
Novv Clutchmate… Licensed to Gill Quests
Nymian Marine… Flying Colors II Quests
Ocean Fisher… No More Fish In The Sea III Crafting & Gathering
Octopus Traveler… What did Octopodes Do to You? Crafting & Gathering
Padjal Protector… Seeing White III Quests
Perfect Blue… Something Borrowed Battle
Pick of the Firmament… Skyward Sledgehammer III Crafting & Gathering
Polis Dweller… Life Aquatic IV Battle
Polis Lady… ♀
Polis Lord… ♂ The Slow Regard of Stolen Things IV Battle
Polis Raider… Life Aquatic I Battle
Pom Friend… Top Mog Quests
Postmaster… Postal Quests
Prelude in Violet… A History of Violet Quests
Pure White… Seeing White Quests
Queen Bean… ♀
King Bean… ♂ It's a Blunderful Life IV Character
Rafflesia Reaper… A Flower by Any Other Name Battle
Raubahn's Left Arm… More Heroes Quests
Rod of the Firmament… Skyward Rod III Crafting & Gathering
Sea Dragoon… What did Seadragons Do to You? Crafting & Gathering
Seasoned Tracker… On Your Mark: S Battle
Seeker of Fortune… On Your Mark: A Battle
Senior Jockey… Off to the Races III Character
Serpent Chaser… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder VI PvP
Serpent Forerunner… A Line In The Glade V PvP
Serpent Growler… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder III PvP
Serpent Hound… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder IV PvP
Serpent Howler… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder II PvP
Serpent Puppy… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder I PvP
Serpent Stalker… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder V PvP
Serpentbringer… To Each According to His Need: Twin Adder III Grand Company
Serpentcarrier… Feeding the Serpent III Grand Company
Serpentlady… ♀
Serpentlord… ♂ A Snake in the Brass III Grand Company
Shark Hunter… What did Sharks Do to You? Crafting & Gathering
Siltwater Socialite… In a Barrel Quests
Sister of Ash… ♀
Brother of Ash… ♂ A Real Bad Ash Quests
Sky Pirate… Paying the Bills Quests
Slaughterhouse… Slaughterhouse Four PvP
Snake in the Grass… My Anantaconda Quests
Soldier of Fortune… Bring Your A Game III Battle
Special Advisor… Back to School I Quests
Starcaller… Ohohohohoho! Items
Stargazer… The Stars in Our Faults II Quests
Steppe Warrior… Crimson Footprints Quests
Storm Chaser… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom VI PvP
Storm Forerunner… A Line in the Storm V PvP
Storm Growler… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom III PvP
Storm Hound… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom IV PvP
Storm Howler… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom II PvP
Storm Puppy… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom I PvP
Storm Stalker… Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom V PvP
Stormbringer… To Each According to His Need: Maelstrom III Grand Company
Stormcarrier… Fueling the Storm III Grand Company
Stormlady… ♀
Stormlord… ♂ A Storm of Seals III Grand Company
Sundrop Dancer… Top Gundu Quests
Sylph-Friend… Sylph-assured Quests
Tablesetter… How Can I Help II PvP
The Disassembler… You're Tearing Me Apart Items
The End of Ascalon… Looking Up Quests
Thrillseeker… Bring Your S Game V Battle
Tough Customer… The Customer Is Always Right: Adkiragh VI Items
Tournament Leader… Open and Shut II Character
Treasure Hunter… No Stone Unturned Battle
True Hero… Dressed for Heaven Items
Ul Cup Champion… Like a Knight in Shining Armor III Quests
Ultimate Thrillseeker… Bring Your S Game VI Battle
Unbeliever… Lucky Number 7 Quests
Unbound Blue… Blue Unchained Battle
Under-archon… Hope Enkindled Quests
Vanguard… Front and Center VI PvP
Veteran Explorer… Out of Sight Out of Bounds II Exploration
Veteran Jockey… Off to the Races IV Character
Warmonger… Mastering War I Character
World-class Troller… On a Boat V Crafting & Gathering
Zhloe's Best Friend… The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh VI Items
Zhloe's Friend… Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh V Character